Photography as a medium defines either space, an arrangement of spatial information to indicate composition; or place, a frame of stopped-time, there-within, a fragment of the World itself.
The two are not exclusive of one another. Often, place and space become layered information, and their dance is what entangles a viewer to decipher how each coordinates with the other.
place // space is an in-progress series of works which seek to examine the boundaries of how the World -- the everyday happenings which offer us lives to be lost in -- relates to the artist's compression of that World into spatial, two-dimensional arrangement. The departure of place into space dilutes the World material contained in the photograph to aesthetic or semiotic cues, which in being fractured by photographic flattening, leave the viewer with a constellation of phenomena and visual relationships to examine as becoming their own World, or a place / within / space.

Definitions of place are simply corners of the World; their meanings are not confined to rigid rhetorical categorizations but are instead shaped by the viewer’s perspective, through witnessing elements of infrastructure, culture, domestication -- et cetera.
Definitions of space inherently arise from how place is recognized. Physical-material conditions, environmental phenomena, and visual geometric formations serve as primary coordinates. However, this list is not exhaustive, and one's experience arises from their perception and interpretation of the arrangement of space.